Although my computer is, indeed, mostly full of games and porn — pr0n, if you wish — there are a bunch of utilities I can’t live without, and I want to plug three of them.
First is Registry Mechanic, from PC Tools, which fixes errors in your registry, compacts, and optimizes it. It honestly boosts system speed.
Second is Spyware Doctor, also from PC Tools, which is a great sort of combination of AdAware (which I also love) and a sort of anti-virus-but-geared-to-spyware tool. It’s caught major installations of Hackdoor.Backdoor and so on, that Norton AntiVirus has not.
Third is Perfectdisk, from Raxco, which is the best and most simple disk defragging tool I have used. Also possibly the most effective.
Thus ends my little advertising section. Hehe.