Heya, kiddos. Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe (and of Lange family intrigue) finally decided it was time to open up a fan page for him on Facebook. Jeff and I are the site administrators. To Jeff’s credit, he’s so worried about people thinking he’s just tooting his own horn that he actually asked if I could post MY picture to the fan page profile. I said, no, Jeff, I think your fans would rather see…you? 🙂
The page is available on Facebook at:
I’m hoping to be able to publish links to Jeff’s columns, as well as a list of his speaking engagements, radio appearances, and so on. I’m also hoping Jeff will take an active hand, and start some discussions, make some wry observations, and generally be…Jeff Jacoby.
Either way, it is a privilege and an honor to be able to help out such a good friend and immensely talented man.
Oh, and you can now follow Jeff Jacoby on Twitter under the username Jeff_Jacoby.
Now git postin’ and tweetin’ and linkin’!