I was just reading Dick Morris’ column over at his Vote.com site and I have to quote something from it, something I think is very true:
Isolationism, a largely ignored theme in our politics, is growing rapidly in the wake of the sacrifices we are making in Iraq. It is this feeling of wanting the rest of the world to go away, not any leftward drift, that is animating the drop in President Bush’s approval ratings as the war drags on.
On April 7-9, USA Today asked a national sample of voters if the United States “should mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along as best they can on their own.” Almost half of all Americans, 46 percent, agreed with the statement, while 51 percent differed. These results are almost the same as the pre-Sept. 11 polling of January 2000, when Americans broke 46-50 on the same question.
In the interim, of course, came Sept. 11, when the nation found out why foreign affairs were vital to domestic peace. In the aftermath of the attack, only one-third of Americans thought we should “mind our own business.”
He concludes:
Woe to the politician, like Bush, who arouses the genie, and woe to his party that tries to win in its wake.
It’s too damn true. People have already forgotten what it felt like on September 11, 2001, to realize we were actually under attack from somebody. We panicked and rallied around our leaders and Bush’s ratings soared. Now it’s 5 years later and we’re back to sipping our mocha lattes and feeling smug and secure about ourselves. My dear Lord, why should we try to stop insane people from killing us? They obviously can’t do it anymore! They’ve had five years!
I’d like to remind people it was a good 8 years between the first plot to take down the WTC and the successful execution of said plan.
It also reminds me of, okay, here I go again plugging South Park — burying your head in the damn sand.
Wake up, people. It ain’t a pretty world, but we have to deal with it. And when I say that, I’m not just talking about Iraq, but about pre-emptive strikes on Iran. Maybe the US isn’t the good guy of the world. But we’re about the closest thing to it that the world has got. And we’re obligated to try to make it a better place. Especially when it IS going to affect us, no matter how much sand you bury your head under.