Years ago, a friend of mine signed me up for the MA Libertarian newsletter, put out by Carla Howell and Michael Cloud. Since then, the friend in question has, quite wisely, moved from Libertarian to hardline conservative (this happens when you finally realize Libertarians with a big-L are, on a number of issues, clinically insane and/or stoned).
However, the good hardline conservative AND the good hardline liberal sometimes come full circle and find themselves sitting down for a Libertarian pow-wow. The Libertarians put some good things out there, and this is one of them: the ballot initiative to END the income tax in Massachusetts.
So I’m putting up their latest little email to me. Fans of small government in MA, take note, you might want to donate.
From: Small Government News
To: likeI’
Subject: The Perfect Christmas Gift: ENDing the Income Tax in Massachusetts
Dear Friends,
It’s the season of miracles.
A time to give. A time to receive.
Wouldn’t you love to give the Perfect Gift – ENDing the Income Tax in
Wouldn’t you bust out smiling as you watched 3,000,000 Tax-achusetts
workers and taxpayers get back $3,600 EACH worker, EVERY year?
Wouldn’t you celebrate and cheer as you saw small government activists
in other states launch 4 or 8 or 12 Ballot Initiatives in 2010 to END
their states’ Income Taxes?
Wouldn’t that be the Perfect Christmas Gift – for you to receive and
for you to give?
Will you chip in and help us buy this Christmas Gift?
In this season of giving, will you help?
We need you to give now – so we can arrange news coverage by the Wall
Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, USA Today, the Washington
Post, Newsweek, Time, and more.
We need you to give now – so we can reach out to ABC, CBS, NBS, and
PBS News and Magazine Shows. So we can arrange appearances on Fox
News, CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC. On the political – and BUSINESS – shows.
We need you to give now – so we can broker appearances by Carla Howell
and Michael Cloud on the hundreds of crucial Talk Radio Shows.
We need you to give now – so we can ignite an explosion of Internet
NEW Media essays, Blogs, Links, and – most importantly – Internet
Activists who will help us reach and teach, motivate and mobilize tens
of thousands of supporters.
We can do it within 120 days – IF you act in a spirit of giving.
How do we know?
Ron Paul proved it. The first 3 months of his Presidential campaign
this year, he raised $530,000 – and attracted 10,000 to 20,000 looky–
loos to his website and campaign.
The next 3 months, Dr. Paul was included in televised Presidential
debates. His supporters evangelized the Internet with his small
government, anti-Military Interventionism campaign for President – and
he raised $2,400,000: FIVE times the money he did in the previous 90
days. Better than 10,000,000 Americans googled Ron Paul and visited
his website. And dozens of supporters launched their own pro-Ron Paul
Websites and blogs.
Our first 4 months, we collected and filed 78,512 certified and
validated petition signatures with the Secretary of State’s Office –
and raised $200,000 to fund it.
Following Ron Paul’s lead, in the next 4 months, we could generate 100
Internet articles, 30 or 40 newspaper, magazine, TV, and radio stories
on our Ballot Initiative to END the Income Tax.
This News Coverage will let us reach and teach tens of thousands of
Internet advocates and supporters who can help us get the word out.
Who can donate and volunteer.
And these supporters can help us raise $400,000 to $1,000,000 for
advertising and publicizing our Ballot Initiative to the 3,000,000+
Massachusetts voters receptive to what we’re offering.
We can promise you 2 things:
1. This will NOT happen if YOU don’t give.
2. This CAN happen – it WILL happen – if YOU do give. If you help now.
If you make it happen.
This Media Breakthrough will cost $50,000. But the payoff is huge.
Just like Ron Paul’s was.
In this season of giving, will you make a difference with a Christmas
donation today?
We need one $5,000 donor. If you will donate $5,000, one of our
earlier donors will MATCH your $5,000 donation. Will YOU donate $5,000
We need ten $1,000 Christmas givers. Will you help us make a miracle –
and donated $1,000 now?
Will YOU be one of the twenty $500 donors needed to create this Major
Media Breakthrough? Your $500 holiday donation WILL make a difference that you’ll soon see.
Or will you be one of the twenty $250 donors we need to make this
happen? Will you give $250 now?
Will you please be one of the vital eighty $150 Christmas
contributors? Or one of the crucial forty $65 or $85 Christmas givers?
613 people have already taken us this far.
Will you please be one of the 172 Christmas givers, miracle makers,
champions of small government?
Please give now by credit card by clicking:
Thank You for making this an unforgettable season.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Carla Howell & Michael Cloud