Category Archives: television

Another Family Guy Joke Explained: Juliette Lewis Making Out With Dogs

In Season 14, Episode 16 of “Family Guy”, titled “The Heartbreak Dog”, the writers hint that Juliette Lewis makes out with dogs. Peter finds out that Bonnie has made out with Brian and blurts out, “My God! Who would do … Continue reading

Posted in humor, television | 1 Comment

How to Program Your X1 Box For 30-Second Skip and 15-Second Rewind

Okay, guys, this is a pretty easy little hack, right here. I have verified this works on an XR15 remote, which I believe is the latest. Remember, you’re programming the box, not the remote. A search box will come up … Continue reading

Posted in technology & electronics, television, tips and tricks | 7 Comments

Fix for PLEX “Unauthorized Server” Problem on Roku

Okay, so I just got a Roku Streaming Stick for my dad, and I wanted to set it up so it could use PLEX, which is what I use to stream everything from my PC. I was going nuts, because … Continue reading

Posted in computers, television, tips and tricks | 11 Comments

The Imminent Demise of Donald Trump

The debate, and the ensuing dust-up with Megyn Kelly, mark the beginning of the end for The Donald. If you’re a Republican and you lose Fox News…worse yet, ATTACK a popular Fox News host for asking a perfectly fair question … Continue reading

Posted in bizarre, conservatrarian, current events, politics, television | 2 Comments

Netflix Playback Error M7357-1003 (WidevineCdm component error) in Google Chrome quick fix

I recently had trouble playing Netflix in Chrome; it was giving me an error (M7357-1003) that said I needed to update my WidevineCdm component. I tried this, and it didn’t work. I tried a bunch of other fixes I found … Continue reading

Posted in computers, television, tips and tricks | 8 Comments

“Pawn Stars” — Olivia Black’s nude SuicideGirls photoshoot

If any of you people out there follow the enormously popular reality show “Pawn Stars”, you may know that at one point, somewhat recently, they hired an attractive female night clerk to help them out named Olivia Black. She was fairly … Continue reading

Posted in bizarre, current events, NSFW, television | 40 Comments

Why Samsung Tech Support is worthless (and LG and Apple aren’t)

What an Orwellian few days I have had dealing with Samsung. Let me bring you up to speed — I have a TV that’s less than two months old, and it has a dead pixel smack dab in the middle … Continue reading

Posted in reviews, television, tips and tricks | Leave a comment

Doctor Who — A Doctor Snippet Speech — Is This World Protected?

Okay, first off, new category, since it deserve it: Doctor Who. Next up, the scene from Doctor Who just is useful in explaining my (and a lot of other Whovians’…and generally civilized people’s) opinion of the world. Not just the … Continue reading

Posted in Doctor Who, science fiction, television | Leave a comment

Me doing a blurry Doctor Who pose

Right, so, here’s me — hopefully you notice I’ve dropped all the weight (and by the way, I didn’t really even try to diet — drink coffee, as it is an appetite depressant, and don’t snack, and just cut calories) … Continue reading

Posted in bizarre, personal, science fiction, television | 2 Comments

Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens — The Doctor’s Speech

Okay, right, so I put up the Akhaten speech, but, I mean, that was a bit of weak episode except for that scene. Well, anyway, point is, if I’m going to put that up, I should put up the epic … Continue reading

Posted in current events, rants, science fiction, television | 1 Comment