Well…I spent some of my hard-earned cash on the newest Tiger Woods installment, and I have to say, I’m a little disappointed.
Those of you expecting eye candy, as I was, will be disappointed as well. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 is in high-definition, at least, but the graphics look almost exactly the same as the PS2 version. The TIger Challenge is there again, in a slightly different form, that is, a match ladder. It’s easier to beat this year, it seems, although one difference is you can now adjust the difficulty level of the game (forgive me if I’m wrong about this, but in previous versions, I don’t remember being able to change the difficulty settings).
There are a few minor gameplay tweaks, but nothing major. The game is, of course, good solid fun, it’s just I was hoping for more out of the next-gen version. It’s a great game, and very addictive, although you’ll probably start to lose interest after you beat the Tiger Challenge. Although you do have the option of playing two different online modes (one of which is “battle golf”, which I’m not so fond of).
So, bottom line: same Tiger as always. No major changes. No big jump in graphics on a next-gen system. If you like the series, you’ll still like this game, it just won’t seem any different or significantly improved to you. Save yourself some money and rent this one before you buy.
Now…I’m waiting on Major League Baseball 2k7 (they now have the official MLB franchise, which means your only other baseball option is Sony’s “MLB: The Show”, which I don’t trust given Sony’s tendency to make their games too arcadey — case in point, the dunkfest that is “NBA ’07” by SCEA). MLB 2k7 is released on the 26th of February (tomorrow – Monday) and I should have it in my hands within a day. And, sadly, again, the game so many of us loved that was EA Sports’ “MVP” series is dead and gone. Also, there will be no next-gen version of EA NHL this year for the Playstation 3 — you’re going to have to wait for EA NHL ’08 (one of the greatest sports franchise games ever, in my opinion — and I don’t like real hockey much).